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Showing posts from June 18, 2009

Ben Brown's State Port Pilot Story in the PortFolio Section

There's no question that North Carolina hosts some of most talented artists and writers around. One example is a story in this week's State Port Pilot newspaper. The link is found at . Here's a visual of the story, but please visit their web site to read the full article.

Banner for The Buckinghams' Upcoming Concert on June 20th Showcased

From , Bruce Brown's post of Tuesday, June 16, 2009 What's This? The Buckinghams in concert this Saturday? Wow!! Guess something must be going on. Saw this banner above Murray Art & Frame in Leland today. That site is the scene of the VIP Party Friday night, the night before Saturday's concert by The Buckinghams The concert will be at Odell Williamson Auditorium at Brunswick Community College at 7PM. The VIP party is also going to be a blast! For more info or just to get tickets quick, call (910) 371-3833.