SERVING THE TRI-CITIES AND KANELAND Kane County Fair enjoyed record crowds By ERIC SCHELKOPF – ST. CHARLES – Fair officials attributed good weather and bargain entertainment to this year’s record crowds at the Kane County Fair. The fair, which ran from Wednesday to Sunday, attracted 151,975 people, up from 130,000 people last year. “We didn’t have any big storms for the week,” said Floyd Brown, advertising and promotions director for the fair. “The showers we had were short-lived.” The music arena also enjoyed overflow crowds because of bands like American English and The Buckinghams, Brown said. All the thrill shows played to full houses, Brown said, such as Saturday’s rodeo and Sunday’s demolition derby. A record 36,230 people attended opening day, where fair-goers were admitted for the discounted fee of $1. Regular admission to the fair was $5. “Because of the down economy, people are looking for bargains,” Brown said. “A family could control their costs ...