Who doesn’t know and love the 1968 hit “Tighten Up,” made famous by Houston, Texas, native Archie Bell? Together with his band, The Drells, the look and sound of the popular R&B group gave American teenagers a chance to dance and move along to the groove they shared in their songs. Archie Bell and the Drells A special announcement was made today on Sirius/XM 60s on 6 channel today that just a few weeks ago, Archie Bell had suffered a light stroke and has an excellent prognosis for recovery. Presently Archie is back in the hospital again from a small infection but he needs to be there a while longer. Throughout the day, Sirius/XM 60s on 6 channel Deejays shared their best wishes, beginning with morning man, Phlash Phelps, and continuing with Dave Hoeffel, Pat St. John, and Shotgun Tom Kelly tonight: Archie would LOVE to hear from his fans. So let's join them, shall we? Longtime Buckinghams friend and fan Phyllis Spizziri also shared a Facebook post that carried the m...